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Advisory and inspection points for child car seats

About the program

Objective and organizers

The main objective of the program is to enhance the safety of children during car transportation by supporting parents in the correct use of child safety systems.

The pilot program is implemented by the Beloved Child on Board team and funded by MOL Romania.

When is it held?

The program will run from May 25, 2023, to February 25, 2024, at three MOL Romania stations in Cluj-Napoca. It will consist of one-on-one advisory and inspection sessions, lasting 30 minutes per family.

How to prepare?

Find the nearest inspection point using the map below and contact one of our consultants to schedule an appointment.

2. Arrive at the specified time, date, and location with the following information and documents:
- your child's current weight and height.
- the car seat you wish to install (with the user manual, if available).
- he car in which you plan to transport your child (with the user manual, if available).

3. Try installing the car seat yourself using the instruction manual or the Child Car Safety App.

4. Consider bringing an assistant with you for the appointment if you’re coming with your child.

Why attend the inspection?

During the advisory and inspection session, parents will benefit from:

- Verification of the car seat installation and correction of any mistakes.
- Joint installation of the car seat to help parents install it correctly.
- Guidance on selecting the appropriate next car seat when needed.
- Inspection of the chosen car safety system for defects, expiration date, or recalls.
- Counseling for parents to ensure a safe journey with their little passenger(s) and an introduction to the Child Car Safety app.

See more details about the MOL 2023-2024 advisory and inspection points here.

"Copiii sunt cei mai iubiți pasageri, iar pentru siguranța lor este esențial să utilizăm corect scaunele auto. Alături de Crucea Albă ne dorim să îi ajutăm pe părinți să se asigure că au luat toate măsurile necesare pentru ca ei, alături de cei mici, să ajungă cu bine la destinație. Sunt convinsă că vor găsi informații utile la workshopurile din stațiile MOL, unde îi așteptăm cu drag,”

Camelia Ene
CEO și Country Chairman MOL România


0758 117 632

0740 657 351

0744 250 267

Stația MOL Dorobantilor

Stația MOL Calea Turzii

Stația MOL Observator

On the map below, you will find the three inspection points with all the necessary details to schedule an appointment.

A pilot program implemented by the Beloved Child on Board project team and funded by MOL Romania.

Project funded by

Supported by